Christians and Israel Defense Forces
nadafThe man in the picture is called Gabriel Nadaf , is a Greek Orthodox priest Japhia , a village between Migdal Haemek and Nazareth , and chairs the Recruitment Forum Christian Youth . Everyone knows him as father and his name resonates Nadaf by all Christian communities in Israel and the Middle East , because this young priest has done something revolutionary : has invited young Arabic-speaking Christians living in Israel to join their Defence Forces the IDF . Since the establishment of the forum, the number of enrollments doubled and round hundred. In numerical terms are very few soldiers , but at the symbolic level is a lot.Therefore, the matter has unnerved many people. First, the Patriarch of Jerusalem , who sees the initiative a risk to the Christian communities living in the territory of the Palestinian Authority. They pay , he says, the military commitment of Christians in Israel. The truth is that the argument is a bit weak, because that means admitting that communities serve as political hostages . In fact, the debate is rather there: to break the spiral of second-class citizenship and dhimmitude suffering Christians in Islamic societies. Refinements can be made - the PA is different from Egypt, but I find that inequality suffered by Christians against Muslims is clear. The contrast between religious freedom and conscience that exists in Israel and the absence of all that suffering , for example, the Palestinian Authority, is sensational . So , the question is whether the trust that Christians themselves out of the situation is possible. For now , he has come to talk of schism risk but I think the word is excessive. It is true that a challenge to the commitment that Christians had so far with the Israel Defense Forces .In addition to the Patriarch , Gabriel Nadaf worries the Islamists who have enjoyed gave them the legitimacy to speak on behalf of " the Arabs" gathering under that name to the Muslim majority and Christian minority. This had been reinforced by the memory of the pan-Arab movement inspiring Christians and those who resorted to terrorism to fight against the State of Israel. Secularism has given those movements in favor of the strength of political Islam , if I may redundancy. The example of Egypt Morsi , who had to be overthrown by a military coup and the suffering of the Copts joined the dreadful sight of civil war in Syria , a few kilometers from the border with Israel, where Christians suffer violence by jihadists fighting against Assad. Nadaf Israel sees the key to the liberation of Christians.Since then , the issue is thorny . On the one hand , is a debate within Christian communities themselves . The introduction of a new term to refer to them - Arabic-speaking Christians , instead of the classic " Arabs" that groups together with the Muslims is the tip of the iceberg of a change in the game of power and relations of the State of Israel and Christian communities in the Middle East. So far, the religious leaders enjoyed preeminence offered them represent a community that was different precisely because of their faith , so that it conditioned its citizens. Breaking this link is to admit that the full rights is independent of the faith that is professed and religion - the right to be who you want or do not have any , which is still anathema to many, can not determine the catalog of rights in the political community . The transition from " Arab " to " Arabic-speaking Christians " or , even more , " Israeli Christians " opens many unknowns in a region where religion does not refer only to belief but to full membership of a social group. Religious identity influences the network of relations , labor market , marriage , cycling holidays and even , and this is crucial in Israel, in military service .Thus, this discussion relates to the obligation to serve in the Israeli Army for all without exception and with the religious dilemma between secularism and confessional time to time shaking the foundations of the State of Israel.Incorporating Christians - perhaps the army on the model of the Bedouin or Druze , however volunteer you will, is a very important in the narrative of Israel change. The entry of Christians reinforce the idea of the inherently democratic nature of the state and would be an example and a contrasting pattern for the Christian communities in Egypt , Iraq , Turkey and Jordan.Moreover, service in the Israel Defense Forces would be the channel for the full integration of Christians in Israeli society. As recalled Dan Senor and Saul Singer in Start -Up Nation , young people leaving military service fill the ranks of high-tech enterprises and enjoy the contacts and friendships that will you from buying a home to find partners for a project business . Military experience is thus a channel of socialization and social mobility that Christians would benefit Israel . For now , the Army will address Christians personally by letter when they reach the age of pointing recruitment , if any , military service is voluntary.The father and escorted Nadaf will be careful. There have been attacks against him and members of his organization. However, it is possible that the Christians of the Middle East no longer fit them many alternatives. The Syria have had to take up arms to fight for Assad and Lebanon are concerned about the growing weakness of the national army against the power of Hezbollah. Across the region , from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean , Christians are becoming less and are increasingly isolated . The pan-Arab dream of secular states which exceed that religious division has failed. The oldest Christian communities in the world only survive in democratic societies, where religious freedom is a value and not a problem .
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